WRBA Update August

Good evening everyone!!! With the current situation and recent announcement it appears that we may be reopening the boxing club for Wednesday, August 4. We are currently working with the city of Kitchener and Boxing Ontario to determine exactly what the protocols will be when we reopen According to the legislation… We will be opening three days a week… Monday Wednesday and Friday with the junior class running from 6 to 7 PM… And the senior class from 7:30 to 9 PM Masks will still be mandatory until training starts and class-size will be limited to 25 people per class We will not be accepting any new members until we are sorted out… Priority for renewing memberships are in the following order

1. Current members who have paid for April (that fee will be applied to August)
2. Members who have registered for 2021
3. Members who were registered in previous years but NOT registered for 2021
4. Finally…once those lists are fully considered we will look at conducting a Boxing 101 to supplement the monthly list

Hope this makes sense!!
Hang in there and for all members …check your upcoming emails

Thanks Coach Rick

© 2025 WRBA Corp. Created by Karndeep Kahlon